A Value Investors Club
Shares the experience and investment ideas of sophisticated investors!
A value investors club and other
investors clubs, have as their main focus a sharing of stock investment ideas. They may be viewed as distinct from
stock market investment clubs that are commonly organized with members contributing money and investing as a group in a single club portfolio.
Examples of Clubs
The Value Investors Club.com (United States) requires evidence of investing experience as a condition of membership. Having joined, a member may then access the experience of other experienced value investors.
As a condition of membership, the club requires members to submit two investment ideas per year with detail explaining why each investment idea represents good value as an investment.
Members are also required to rate 20 investment ideas per year submitted by other members detailing their usefulness as an investment idea.
This type of club provides an important sources of stock advice by pooling the experience and investment ideas of a significant number of members, rather than pooling of capital.
Guests to tne website can get instant access to members' ideas after a 90-day delay. However, by submitting a valid email address, guests can reduce the delay time to 45 days.
The Fatcats Finance Club is another example of a value investors club.
The club was originally setup in Melbourne Australia in 2007 to evaluate companies according to Warren Buffet style analysis. They hold regular meetings in Melbourne.
Their website, which can be accessed by anybody, primarily documents the meetings of the club and also contains articles about the economy.
To Conclude
Joining investors clubs, particularly where they focus on value investing, is an excellent way to extend the sources of advice for budding value investors.
For some clubs, experience with finding good stock investments is a prerequisite to obtaining membership. Passing that hurdle may allow the person gaining membership the opportunity to raise their investing goals to a higher level.
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