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I'm John and these are my grand kids. Welcome to my site.
Click here to read my background with value stock investing. I hope you find suggestions in my site that make you a successful value investor.
"I must tell you. I have been on three hundred websites the past week reading and advancing from a beginner to novice and your site is the best I've read yet."
Stuart Vice - USA.
"I visited your web site earlier today and firstly wanted to congratulate you on the appearance, excellent content and accessibility I discovered there. It is not often I come across a web site that offers such a positive user experience and great information too."
Nikita Patel - Antigua.
"Lots of good information, am using this for my college course in business. Thanks."
"Thanks for your great web site. I am a German national - living in Thailand. I was asked to teach stock investment in our local school - your website helps me a lot."
Raimund – Thailand.
"Thanks so much for the spreadsheet. I am amazed by your willingness and generosity to share this.I forgot to say, a couple of things I found particularly helpful on your website that I haven't come across before were the pages on Portfolio Management and Estate Planning.So it is exciting to be taking control of our investing and to be learning about value investing through websites such as yours. All the best, and thanks again."
Zara – New Zealand.
"Thanks John, this helps a lot. The only thing I am having a hard time grasping is the fact that from the portfolio IRR standpoint it all depends on your initial outflow which seems to skew the result. Thanks again."
Robert – USA.
"Thanks a lot for the wonderful site and sharing your experience. I'm a novice private investor with both modest experience and means who is deeply interested in value investing as the only investment philosophy that seems to be rational and really makes sense. Thanks a lot and best of luck in your work. God bless you."
Andrew – Uzbekistan.
"I really appreciate your site and information you provide. Very helpful indeed!"
Joe – USA.
"I just came across your fantastic website and I am really impressed by it, as in your website you have given your personal experience with stock value investing. You have also given stock market tips, beginners guide to investing."
Gayle - Israel.
"Could you please send me the IRR Calculations Worksheets. Excel 2003 will be great to have as I follow your site to learn more about investing. Thanks loads for sharing the info."
Maq - Kenya.
"Great website, thank you for making all of your experiences so freely available."
James - Australia.